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Our advertising and submissions policy - Winter salt supplies

Our advertising and submissions policy

Interested in appearing on this site?

This page explains how we choose the retailers and products that we feature and what to do if you’d like to be among them.

This website and its sister sites work with retailers who pay commission on online sales and referrals through the affiliate marketing model.

We aim to attain a very high standard of service for our readers across the MyShoppingFinder brand, of which this site is a part.

This means that we prefer to work with retailers who are signed up with established networks managing the affiliate relationship and ensuring that good practice is observed on both sides.

At the moment we are not accepting direct advertising, although this may change in the future.

Our preferred network partners are Affiliate Window and Webgains. Other worthwhile networks include Affiliate Future, Trade Doubler and Paid On Results. For information on joining any of these networks as a merchant, click on the links above.

Our guiding principle in everything we do is to try to build a site that is genuinely useful, interesting and informative to our readers.

For this reason we have a strict editorial policy that governs what we will and will not include. This also governs issues like grammar, spelling and site presentation which we want to be of the highest standard at all times.

This ultimately informs what content is selected for use on the site, and how it is presented.

News and blog submissions

We are keen to feature a wide range of relevant news, pictures, features, tips, advice and products.

In a bid to make our site as useful to readers as possible we have set up a blog on this site – and we are happy to receive submissions for this area on a non-commercial basis.

To suggest material for inclusion, check whether we want to go on your press list or let us know about interesting articles, websites and news items that we may have missed, please use the site’s contact form. We don’t promise to use your submission, since we do employ editorial judgement to make sure our readers are getting something out of everything we publish. But we would like to hear from you.

If you’d like to link to blog posts we’ve made then please feel free to do so. If you think we’d be interested in your blog, send us a link! We do regular blog round-ups and are always looking for new, relevant content to include.

Link exchanges and paid text links

We are unlikely to participate in link exchanges, since we are dubious that they offer good value for our users. And we never accept paid text link advertising.

However, if you have a good, interesting and above all relevant site, or a news item that we may be able to feature, let us know and if we agree we may include it in our blog.